K N Z S o l u t i o n s
Blog Title Image Introducing In Firewalls we Trust Part 2

In Firewalls we Trust? – Part 2

What is defense in depth? In the previous article, I defined it as an approach to protection that involves layering a series of defense mechanisms to safeguard valuable data and information. Consider a factory setting: would the factory, receptionist, or factory workers allow anyone to walk in and roam freely? No, they wouldn’t, for reasons […]

Blog Title Image showing a person typing on a laptop with a security lock watermark

In Firewalls We Trust? – Part 1

Often in meetings, whenever the topic of security arises, I’ve frequently encountered clients expressing confidence with statements like, “We have a firewall, so we’re covered.” However, it’s essential to recognize that security transcends the simplistic notion of a protective barrier at the network’s edge. The landscape of security in technology is dynamic, with threats constantly […]