K N Z S o l u t i o n s
Blog Title Image showing a person typing on a laptop with a security lock watermark

In Firewalls we Trust? – Part 3

To begin, let me re-ask the question: What if an unauthorized user has access to the network? Instead of focusing on how they gained access, let’s assume they are already on the network. What could they potentially access? Consider what your organization’s critical assets are on the network and how they are accessed. Remember, just […]

Blog Title Image Introducing In Firewalls we Trust Part 2

In Firewalls we Trust? – Part 2

What is defense in depth? In the previous article, I defined it as an approach to protection that involves layering a series of defense mechanisms to safeguard valuable data and information. Consider a factory setting: would the factory, receptionist, or factory workers allow anyone to walk in and roam freely? No, they wouldn’t, for reasons […]

Blog Title Image showing a person typing on a laptop with a security lock watermark

In Firewalls We Trust? – Part 1

Often in meetings, whenever the topic of security arises, I’ve frequently encountered clients expressing confidence with statements like, “We have a firewall, so we’re covered.” However, it’s essential to recognize that security transcends the simplistic notion of a protective barrier at the network’s edge. The landscape of security in technology is dynamic, with threats constantly […]